2021 March USD

2021 March CAD

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words….. Dear Partners, For the month of March, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 3.75%. This month will be providing a mostly illustrated commentary… We believe stock markets are about here… Which leads us to think, this is where it is heading… Since we tend to behave like […]

2021 February CAD

Love it when a plan comes together… Col. Hannibal Smith, The A-Team Dear Partners, For the month of February, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 3.99%. In late summer of 2020, based on reports from drug companies, we estimated that a vaccine for Covid-19 was approximately two months away.  We used a conservative one […]

2021 February USD

2021 January USD

2021 January CAD

The Benefits of a Deep Bench Dear Partners, For the month of January, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 3.40%. The fund again saw meaningful returns across multiple strategies last month. The distressed debt portfolio generated outsized gains as debt that was purchased below thirty cents on the dollar increased to nearly fifty cents.  […]

2020 December USD

2020 December CAD

Plan your Work, then Work your Plan Dear Partners, For the month of December the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 3.15% After a year unlike any we have previously experienced, stating  what is known will serve us well before providing any prognostication. From the knowns, we find our go forward plan for 2021.  The […]

2020 November USD

2020 November CAD

2020 Down 34% then Up 64% …No Thanks! Dear Partners, For the month of November the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 2.04%. Equity markets around the world initiated a rally on November 2nd, the likes of which we have never seen.  When things played out as the polls, pundits, and prognosticators forecasted with a […]