2021 August USD

2021 August CAD

When it looks easy…. It usually isn’t Dear Partners, For the month of August, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 1.51%.  We are pleased to report that the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd generated its returns across a spectrum of strategies in the month of August. The merger arbitrage, alpha long/short, and warrant arbitrage strategies were […]

2021 July USD

2021 July CAD

Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. Dear Partners, For the month of July, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 0.22 %. The number above requires more than just a review of what we did in July.  We believe it would be more valuable […]

2021 June USD

2021 June CAD

The stock market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. – John Maynard Keynes Dear Partners, For the month of June, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 1.54%. The gains this month were generated primarily from our Merger Arbitrage, Warrant, and Capital Structure Arbitrage strategies. The fund suffered losses on a short position in anticipation […]

2021 May USD

2021 May CAD

Sticking to What We Know  Dear Partners,  For the month of May the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 1.30%.   Two months ago, we highlighted the US market’s frothy and exuberant profile.  Since that time, it’s pace of growth has all but stopped, with a significant increase in overall volatility. The NASDAQ composite fell 8.5% and then rallied back to flat while the S&P500 fell 4%  only to rally back 5.5% since we published our March letter.  During […]

2021 April CAD

Nobody Ever Went Broke by Taking Risk Off the Table Dear Partners, For the month of April, the Caravel Capital Fund Ltd was up 1.27%. In our November letter following the US election, we saw significant upside in pockets of the market and informed you we were going to “let out some shaft”.  That is […]

2021 April USD